Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Crohns Contribution To Physiology Nursing Essay
Crohns Contribution To Physiology Nursing Essay Crohns disease is a kind of lifestyle disease. Crohns disease is also known as regional enterities. It is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. Crohns disease is different with ulcerative colitis which is another common type of inflammatory bowel disease.The differences between the two illness is the area that affected in the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). Crohns disease affects the end of small bowel (the ileum) and the beginning of the colon, but it may affect any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, from the mouth to the end of the rectum. Diagram 1 Regions that are affected by ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease There are 700,000 Americans may affected Crohns disease. Crohns disease is a disease which can be associated with genetic inheritance which runs in some families. If there is anyone of your relatives have this disease, your family members will have a significantly increased in chance of getting Crohns disease.The risk of developing this disease will increase when your parents have inflammatory bowel disease. Related members of the family of the affected individuals will be at higher risk. The percentage of getting Crohns for males and females are 50% respectively. The ratio of getting this disease for smokers and non- smokers is two to one. This disease can occur at any age but it is more prevalent among teenagers and young adults. The range of the age is between 15 and 35. The exact cause of Crohns disease is unknown. Crohns disease is more common in developed countries. It is an autoimmune disorder which is a condition that occurs when the bodys immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. In short, the body over-reacts to normal bacteria in the intestines. Immunological and bacterial factors in genetically susceptible individuals are the causes of the disease. The interaction between environmental is one of the cause of the Crohns disease. Crohns disease has traditionally been described as an autoimmune disease, but recent investigators have described it as an immune deficiency state. Diagram1- Distribution of Crohns Disease in the intestinal tract Crohns disease can be categorized by the specific tract region affected. 50 % of the Illeocolic Crohns will occur in both the ileum and the large intestine. 30% of the Crohns ileitis will occur on illeum only, while the Crohns colitis, that manifest the large intestine, accounts for the remaining 20%. Diagram 2 Affected region by Crohns disease Crohns disease can be categorized by the behaviour of disease as it progresses. There are three categories of diseasee presentation in Crohns disease they are stricturing, penetrating and inflammatory. Stricturing disease causes narrowing of the bowel that may lead to bowel obstruction or changes in the calliber of the faeces. Penetrating disease creates abnormal passageways between bowel and other structures, such as the skin. Inflammation disease causes inflammation without causing strictures or fistule. Crohns disease is a kind of chronic disease. It is a chronic inflammatory disorder, in which the bodys immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract possibly directed at microbial antigens. The patient will suffer throughout the period that the disease flares up and causes a lot of symptoms. During this period, the patient may not be aware of the symptoms at all. Crohns disease affects any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Diagram : Gastrointestinal Tract in which Crohns Disease affects Gastrointestinal Tract in which Crohns Disease affects The primarily symptom of Crohns disease are pain in abdomen that often accompanied by diarrhoea which may or may be bloody especially for those who have had surgery. The nature of the diarrhea in the disease depends on the part of the small intestine or colon involved. Ileitis typically results in large-volume and watery faeces while the colitis may result in a smaller volume of faeces but with high frequency. The faecal consistency can be range from solid state to watery. There are several cases which the patients have more than 20 bowel movements per day at any time. We can see the bleeding n the faeces in Crohns colitis.Bloody bowel movements are continuous and it can be in bright or dark red in colour. Flatulence and bloating will cause more the intestinal discomfort. Fever, vomiting, join pain, weight loss, skin problems and bleeding from the rectum may ocurred also and cause a person malnutrition. It may also cause the complications outside the gastrointestinal tract such as skin rashes, arthritis, anemia, fistula, inflammation of the eye, tiredness, and lack of concentration. Constipation may occur also. Children who have this disease may have growth problems. Symptoms Crohns disease Defecation Often porridge- like, sometime steatorrhea Tenesmus Less common Fever Common Fistulae Common Weight loss Often Table 1 The common symptoms in Crohns disease In Crohn disease the maximum damage to the intestine occurs beneath the mucosa, and lymphoid conglomerations, known as granulomata, are formed in the submucosa. In addition, Crohn disease attacks the perianal tissues more often than does ulcerative colitis. Crohn disease is diagnosed by a combination of methods, including blood and stool analysis and colonoscopy. Diagnosis may be confirmed by other methods, such as barium enema, which uses X-rays to examine the intestine following rectal insertion of a liquid barium contrast agent, and capsule endoscopy, which examines the intestines via a pill-sized video camera that is swallowed by the patient and transmits images to sensors attached to the patients body as it passes through the digestive tract. The effect of the Crohns disease can be problematic during pregnancy. This is because some medications can cause undesirable outcome to the foetus or mother.Certain medication will reduce the production of sperms or may affect mans ability to conceive. Preventive measures are taken through consultation with obstetrician and gastroenterologist. Crohns disease can be diagnosed through stool tests, blood tests, biopsy, sigmoidoscopy (used to investigate the lower bowel), colonoscopy, endoscopy, Barium enema X-ray, Barium meal X-ray and CT scans. X-ray pictures of the abdomen then show the inside of the bowel more clearly. Barium appears white on X-rays. Although there are so many tests, none of them require a general anesthetic. They are generally carried out as out-patient procedures so the patient does not need to stay in hospital overnight. Scientist Crohns disease was first described by Burrill Bernard Crohn, Dr. Leon Ginzburg and Dr. Gordon Oppenheimer in 1932, but it was not clinically, histologically, or radiographically distinguished from ulcerative colitis until 1959. Diagram Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn Diagram Dr Leon Ginzburg. The history of the scientist Burrill Bernard Crohn (June 13, 1884 July 29, 1983) was an American gastroenterologist and was the first to describe the disease for which he is known, Crohns disease. His Institutions is Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. He studied at the College of Physicians Surgeons, Columbia University in year 1908. In 1932, Dr. Crohn and two colleagues, Dr. Leon Ginzburg and Dr. Gordon Oppenheimer, published an important paper describing the then-relatively unknown condition. Their seminal paper, Terminal Ileitis: A new clinical entity, documenting fourteen cases. The name of the disease was changed to Regional ileitis on publication. At the time that he and his colleagues described the disease, Dr. Crohn had a private practice in New York City and usually admitted his patients for diagnosis and treatment to the Mount Sinai Hospital. At Mount Sinai he worked with the neurologist Bernard Sachs from 1858 to 1944. He also spent time working with Dr. Jesse Shapiro, another medical doctor was very involved with Crohns research. As Dr. Shapiro had been diagnosed with Crohns himself, he had a born devotion to cure the disease. At Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Crohn built a very large and successful practice for patients with granulomatous enterocolitis and eventually was made the first chief of the department of gastroenterology. He was highly respected throughout the remainder of his professional career and received numerous patients from all over the USA, as well as from abroad. Crohn practiced medicine until he was 90, splitting time in his later years between the Upper East Side of Manhattan and at his country home in New Milford, Connecticut, where he met his second wife, Rose Elbogen Crohn, whom he married in 1947. The Burrill B. Crohn Research Foundation was established at Mount Sinai in 1983 with initial funding from Rose Crohn and later his daughter, Ruth Crohn Dickler. The discovery The first description of the Crohns disease was earlier made by the Italian physician Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771) in 1769, when he diagnosed a young man with a chronic, debilitating illness and diarrhea. Successive cases were reported in 1898 by John Berg and by Polish surgeon Antoni Lesniowski in 1904. In 1913, Scottish physician T. Kennedy Dalziel, at the meeting of the British Medical Association, described nine cases in which the patients suffered from intestinal obstruction. On close examination of the inflamed bowel, the transmural inflammation that is characteristic of the disease was clearly evident. Abdominal cramps, fever, diarrhea and weight loss were observed in most patients, particularly young adults, in the 1920s and 1930s. In 1923, surgeons at the Mt Sinai Hospital in New York identified 12 patients with similar symptoms. In 1930, Dr Burrill Bernard Crohn pointed out similar findings in two patients whom he was treating. Crohns contribution to physiology Some of Crohns initial research into the causes of the disease was centered on his personal conviction that it was caused by the same pathogen, a bacterium called Mycobacterium paratuberculosis (MAP), responsible for the similar condition that afflicts cattle, that is Johnes disease. However, he was unable to isolate the pathogen-most likely because M. paratuberculosis sheds its cellular wall in humans and takes the form of a spheroplast, making it virtually undetectable under an optical microscope. This theory has resurfaced in recent years, and has been lent more credence with the arrival of more sophisticated methods to identify the MAP bacteria. Research Doctors and scientists are conducting Crohns disease research that known as clinical trials. Research studies are designed to answer important questions and to determine whether new approaches to treating Crohns disease are safe and effective. This research has already led to many advances, and researchers continue to search for more effective methods for dealing with Crohns disease. Crohns Allogeneic Transplant Studys investigation team of Seattle is undergoing the Phase II clinical trial to cure it. Transplanting of bone marrow is involved. The purpose of this phase is curing effectively patients who have this disease, Crohns disease. The Phase II research, the doctors will give the best medical and surgical treatments to the patients with Crohns disease who is going to undergo the transplantation so that they are healthy enough. The transplant procedure starts with chemotherapy and a small dose of radiation so that the patients immune system is weak and can accept the bone marrow calls from other. After receiving other persons bone marrow cells, immune suppressive medicines are given to prevent the new cells from being rejected and to stop those cells from damaging the patient. The new immune system will start growing and the blood counts will rise after the new donor cells start working. There is a risk of infection during this time so antibiotics and anti- viral drugs are given to prevent the infection. After the new donor cells are well-established, the immune suppressive medicines will be stopped. Doctors will examine parts of the intestine that were inflamed before the start of the transplant procedure; to make sure the Crohns Disease has disappeared after the transplant. Patients will be formally evaluated for Crohns activity at around 100 days after transplant, and yearly after that for 5 years. The effect of Crohns disease in intestine Crohns disease can cause several mechanical complications within the intestines, including obstruction, fistulae, and abscesses. Obstruction typically occurs from structures or adhesions that narrow the lumen, blocking the passage of the intestinal contents. Fistulae (an abnormal connection or passageway between two epithelium-lined organs or vessels that normally do not connect) can develop between two loops of bowel, between the bowel and bladder, between the bowel and vagina, and between the bowel and skin. Abscesses are collections of infections, which may occur in the abdomen or in the perianal area in Crohns disease sufferers. Ileovesical fistulae are the most common cause in Crohns disease. Crohns disease involves in the small bowel that will cause higher risk for small intestinal cancer. People with Crohns colitis will have a relative risk of 5.6 for developing colon cancer. Diagram : Endoscopy image of colon showing serpiginous ulcer, a classic finding in Crohns disease Pathophysiology During a colonoscopy, biopsies of the colon are often taken to confirm the diagnosis. Certain characteristic features of the pathology seen point toward Crohns disease; it shows a transmural pattern of inflammation, meaning the inflammation may span the entire depth of the intestinal wall. Ulceration is an outcome seen in highly active disease. There is usually an abrupt transition between unaffected tissue and the ulcer a characteristic sign known as skip lesions. Under a microscope, biopsies of the affected colon may show mucosal inflammation, characterized by focal infiltration of neutrophils, a type of inflammatory cell, into the epithelium. This typically occurs in the area overlying lymphoid aggregates. These neutrophils, along with mononuclear cells, may infiltrate the crypts, leading to inflammation (crypititis) or abscess (crypt abscess). Granulomas, aggregates of macrophage derivatives known as giant cells, are found in 50% of cases and are most specific for Crohns disease . The granulomas of Crohns disease do not show caseation, a cheese-like appearance on microscopic examination characteristic of granulomas associated with infections, such as tuberculosis. Biopsies may also show chronic mucosal damage, as evidenced by blunting of the intestinal villi, atypical branching of the crypts, and a change in the tissue type (metaplasia). One example of such metaplasia, Paneth cell metaplasia, involves development of Paneth cells (typically found in the small intestine) in other parts of the gastrointestinal system. Diagram : Section of colectomy showing transmural inflammation Prevention Crohns disease cannot be prevented, because the cause is unknown. But you can take steps to reduce the severity of the disease. First, take medicines regularly can reduce sudden attacks and keep the disease in remission.Second, do not smoke. Smoking will increase the disease. Third, never use antibiotics unlesss the doctor prescribed for you. Eating small meals can help with a low appetite too. Getting a healthy diet, regular exercise and enough of sleep also can help to reduce the symptoms. By controlling the symptoms, we should follow the low dietary fiber diet especially the fibrous foods that cause symptoms. Treatment There is no cure for the Crohns disease because Crohns disease is unpredictable but there may have treatment options that can make sufferers to minimise the effects of the condition on their lives. If the remission is achieved, the relapse can be prevented and the symptoms can be controlled. A person needs to receive the treatment when the symptoms are active. Crohns disease cannot cure by surgery. There are three main goals for the treatment of Crohns disease. There are the achieving remission that relieve symptoms, maintaining remission that prevent symptom flare- ups and improving the quality of life. The main treatment for Crohns disease is to take medicine so that can stop the inflammation that occurred in the intestine. Medicine can prevent the flare- ups and keep you in remission. These treatments are ongoing treatment that the doctor will want to see the patient about every half year. If your condition will flare- ups, you may have lab tests every 2- 3 months. People who have serious complications may require a stronger medicine The doctor will give the patients the traditional first-line at the beginning of the treatment. If the patients are getting worse, the doctor will change or add the medicines. Antidiarrheal medicine which will slows or stops the painful spams in intestines that cause symptoms can be respond for the mild symptoms. Aminosalicylates, antibiotics, cortisoteroids, Biologics and the medicine that suppress the immune system are the types of medicine that the doctor will give to the mild to moderate symptoms. Lastly, the severe symptoms may be treated with corticosteroids given through a vein. The first step is to control the disease. After the symptoms are gone, the doctor will change the medicine that listed above so that the symptoms are in remission. Conclusion Crohns disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which will affected ours gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Patients who have this disease cant able to notice at all. Crohns disease is a disease which can be associated with genetic inheritance which runs in some families. Teenagers and young adults whose age is between 15 35 will be easilly to get this disease. There are three types of Crohns disease that is Crohns colitis, Crohns ileitis and Crohns Illeocolic which will affected different region of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Crohns disease is an autoimmune disorder. Crohns disease is a chronic disease which the bodys immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract possibly directed at microbial antigens. The patient will suffer throughout the period that the disease flares up and causes a lot of symptoms. The primarily symptom of Crohns disease are pain in abdomen that often accompanied by diarrhoea. Constipation, fever, vomiting, join pain, weight loss, skin problems and bleeding from the rectum may ocurred also and cause a person malnutrition. Crohns disease may cause the patient to get colon cancer too. Burrill Bernard Crohn and two of his colleagues, Dr. Leon Ginzburg and Dr. Gordon Oppenheimer described this disease in New York City and usually admitted his patients for diagnosis and treatment to the Mount Sinai Hospital in 1932. Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn practiced medicine until he was 90. Crohns disease cannot be prevented, because the cause is unknown and it is a genetic association disease so we have to change our bad lifestyle. We can change certain lifestyle like dietary adjustments, elemental diet, proper hydration, and smoking cessation will reduce the symptoms. Getting enough sleep is important too. Doctors and scientists are conducting Crohns disease research that known as clinical trials. Crohns Allogeneic Transplant Studys investigation team of Seattle is still undergoing the Phase II clinical trial to cure it by the bone marrow transplantation. There is still no cure for Crohns disease because Crohns disease is unpredictable. The doctors goal is to control inflammation, correct nutritional problems, and relieve symptoms. Doctors will give the patients medicine so that can stop the inflammation that occurred in the intestine. Medicine can prevent the flare- ups and keep you in remission. Sometimes, surgery is needed too. Crohns disease may cause us die if we didnt get the accurate treatment. For those who have this disease have to change those bad lifestyle. There have treatment options that can make sufferers to minimise the effects of the condition on their lives.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Families NOT the Source of All Evil :: Are Families Dangerous
Families NOT the Source of All Evil à à à à à According to Barbara Ehrenreich in ââ¬Å"Are Families Dangerous?,â⬠families are the most dangerous place to be, because of several reasons. First, for women the most unsafe place to be is inside her own home. This is because the people who love you the most are the ones who abuse and murder their loved ones. According to Charles Fourier, ââ¬Å"the family is the barrier to human progress,â⬠which leads me to believe that Ehrenreich is trying to portray the family as a downside to our society instead of a positive aspect of our lives. Subsequently, there is no such thing as the ââ¬Å"functionalâ⬠family, each and every family needs counseling and policies to provide guidance. Families cause damage to children because of a constant attack on oneââ¬â¢s self esteem. Most importantly, according to Ehrenreich families are the source of violence within our world, she believes if we would disband our families our world would be a much improved living environment. à à à à à The article I discussed was, ââ¬Å"Are families dangerous?,â⬠by Barbara Ehrenreich. This article gave copious reasons for what the family does to destroy ones self esteem or even ones physical well being. Ehrenreich stated numerous facts that supported her view upon the American family. She used two human sources, one being Charles Fourier (French Philosopher) and a British anthropologist by the name of Edmund Leach. Both of these men agreed that the family was the source of all evil within our society. She also used specific court cases that indicated domestic violence within the home. Each of these cases are widely known to Americans, due to the media coverage on each case. Allowing her to illustrate the numerous occasions domestic violence has occurred within in society. à à à à à When my group discussed the facts that she brought forward within the article we each came to the conclusion that families are NOT the source of all evil in this world. Although, she cited an abundance of sources, we all believe families are what makes a child a proper and well-caring human being.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Th Truemilk Marketing Proposal
Marketing Plan Proposal TH True Milk Vietnamese Fresh and Clean Milk Team Members: Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang (Team Leader) ââ¬â s3372812 Nguyen Thi Diep Anh ââ¬â s3372841 Nguyen Vu Bich Ha ââ¬â s3372918 Huynh Ngoc Khanh Linh ââ¬â s3373099 Nguyen Thi Kim Trang ââ¬â s3357621 Vo Thi Ngoc Tram ââ¬â s3373108 Lecturer: Ms. Jis Kuruvilla TH Milk Joint Stock Company TH Milk Joint Stock Company was established in 2009 and this is the first company of TH Group that focuses on a closed process of fresh milk manufacturing meeting the international standard.In order to produce the best quality products for customers as well as to provide a professional working environment for local and international experts, the company has equipped most advanced management technology in their production process. Although TH Milk Joint Stock Company is a young domestic company and has only one main brand that is TH True Milk, the company is predicted to be a potential firm in order to compete with Vinamilk and to meet the rising demand of Vietnamese market in the near future.Additionally, following the main mission of TH Group that is providing fresh and natural products to consumers, TH Milk Joint Stock Company has applied cutting-edge fresh milk manufacturing techniques in its closed procedures from industrial dairy farm, automatic milking system to professional distribution system. Therefore, in recent years, companyââ¬â¢s projects always receive positive supports from the governments and organizations such as Vietnamese government and North Asia Bank. These supports can be seen as a driving force for the company to develop its fresh, clean and friendly-environmentally products.As regards the production and distribution process, TH Farm and Factory which is the largest in the Asian region, was built in Nghe An province with the total expenditure of $1. 2 billion, this project is supported by North Asian Bank. Moreover, the milking system used by the TH farm is comp letely automatic and controlled by strict procedures. In 2012, TH group anticipates that their milk processing facility will reach a capacity of 500 million liters per year, satisfying 50% of domestic need for the fresh milk.Moreover, in an effort to bring the best convenient services to customer, TH Milk Joint Stock Company has two representative offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and hundreds of TH True Mart where provides TH True Milk across Vietnam. TH Milk Joint Stock Company at the present only focus on clean, fresh, delicious and nutritious milk but in order to meet the demand of domestic customer of dairy products, in 2012 and 2013, the company will continue to introduce some fresh and natural dairy products such as yoghurt, ice cream, butter and chee se to their customers.TH True Milk ââ¬â Product detail TH True Milk is carefully produced in a 100%-computerized management process followed international standard in every stage of provision, production to distribution system. TH fresh milk is supplied by 20000 cows imported from New Zealand; those cows always receive a professional care from skilled staff with nutritious diet, well-designed veterinary care, disease prevention and treatment.In order to meet the various preferences and groups of customer, the company has produced five main flavors including pure fresh milk, less sugar fresh milk, sweetened fresh milk, strawberry fresh milk an d pure fresh chocolate milk in both 110ml and 180 ml carton size. More importantly, with a purpose to preserve the freshness and goodness of products, the company has developed the TH True Mart to sell its products to customers directly. Vietnamese MarketBecause of the higher living standard, the nutritious demand of Vietnamese people has improved positively with a rise of 20-25% of customersââ¬â¢ demand for milk per year. Therefore, Vietnamese dairy market is becoming the most potential market in the region and more than 60 firms with about 300 brands is o perating in this industry. However, it is a fact that the amount of milk produced only meet 20 -25% of customersââ¬â¢ demand meaning that there is a shortage of milk production in domestic market.Realizing this situation, TH Milk Joint Stock Company with financial supports from North Asian Bank has no hesitation to invest in the most modern clean fresh milk production process in Vietnam and this is estimated to meet 50% of customersââ¬â¢ demand in 2017, after the project is completed. This can be seen as an accurate vision of the company and can bring better milk for Vietnamese people. Besides always following the major mission of TH group, this plan also suggests one-year marketing strategies for the company in domestic market. There are four main objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4.Introducing current products to the market to reach more customers Introducing a new kind of product to domestic market. Gaining 5% market share of dairy industry at the end of 2012 Creating a positive image f rom customers and building a strong basis to develop other companyââ¬â¢s dairy products in the following years. Reference List 1. TH True Milk, Home, viewed 30 June 2012, 2. North Asian Bank, 2011, ââ¬ËVietnamese dairy market and positive changesââ¬â¢, Vnexpress, 2011, viewed 30 June 2012 < http://vnexpress. net/gl/kinh-doanh/doanh-nghiep-viet/2011/12/thi-truongsua-viet-nam-va-nhung-thay-doi-tich-cuc/>.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Effects Of Alcohol And Drugs On Children - 3325 Words
Introduction: College students are among one of the most researched populations due to their unpredictability and risk taking behaviors. Many studies focus on their behaviors in regards to sex and alcohol. In this study, we will be looking at the effect of alcohol and drugs on a personââ¬â¢s ability to deny sexual advances as well as the gender differences between these abilities. Unlike other studies, we will be focusing on the actual ability to deny sex as well as the gender differences, which, to the best of our knowledge, has not been studied yet. This study is important because it explores the reasons as to why people have the ability to say no, and if they do not, why they struggle with this ability. Literature Review: There are many studies that have focused on college students, alcohol, and their sexual behaviors. It is important to assess the motivations and do everything we can to understand why people do what they do in order to be able to counteract any variables out of our control. There was a study which created a hookup motives questionnaire. It is was used due to the fact that approximately at least half of all college students within the study had hooked up in the past year. Some of the results from the study included that men were more motivated to hook up, the social relationship was the biggest indicator, and the questionnaire correlated with hook up approval and behavior. (Kenney, Lac, Hummer, LaBrie, 2014) In addition to this study, another studyShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Alcohol And Drugs On Children1513 Words à |à 7 PagesBack in my home in Nigeria, I used to see many drunks who are completely stoned out with excessive alcohol. They will walk staggering ly and talk to themselves, sometimes to others, while they say things that do not make sense. 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